Category Archives: animation

logos past

when i see a video about the history of something, i often break it out into stills and look at them all together so that i can get a better idea of the trends. this is one of these, from a video collage of past television production logos, shown here (via boingboing):

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wizard of oz

where i work, at the medialab, we all know this one trick: whereas interactive technology demos break, movies of interactive demos are always reliable. we call this the ‘wizard of oz’ demo, where all of the ‘interaction’ is actually cued by the filmmaker(who usually is also the researcher). chriswoebken took this to an extreme with […]

Also posted in soft/glowing, tangible, visualization | Comments closed


jason nelson’s game, game and again game, is crazy. beautiful. squiggly.

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fake fire

smokeview is a free application created by the national institute of standards and technology (nist) that can simulate the spread of a fire in any building. there are (at least) three ways to visualize the effect of fire, but only one can be perceived visually at a time: smoke, temperature and flame. to perceive these […]

Also posted in 3d, architecture, open objects, soft/glowing, visualization | Comments closed

slice of life

much as columbus’ landing in the new world was once painted as a triumph against flat-earth dogma, historians have long claimed that a papal decree forbade dissection during the middle ages until vesalius boldly defied it by performing dissections in secret. in fact, no such decree ever existed, but the old bad pope, good scientist […]

Also posted in 3d, human2.0, marketing, visualization | Comments closed

animated streetlight

now that most traffic lights use LEDs, why not animate the content? this is a little video of the crosswalks in granada that animated with a dopey green walker instead of the old ‘walk’ sign

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anti-american cartoons

animation has a long history as a propaganda medium – these are the latest, produced by iranian television, depicting americans in a way we americans rarely see ourselves : via lorelei pepi

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nice gait

these resources have been amassed by lorelei pepi my animation prof and they are a rich source for learning about motion: an early attempt to observe motion through chronophotography by Jules-Etienne Marey biomotionlab offers a simple demo showing how we walk differently based on size, sex, mood and nervousness – useful for motion capture and […]

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