paper laptops


these drawings are actually prototype laptops designed by seven-to-nine-year-old children as part of the “laptop club.” the use of paper prototyping for designing laptops and learning about what children use computers for is brilliant, it also makes me wish to do the same in the class i teach. on the other hand limiting the idea of a computer to a bifold with a keyboard and the overall implication that children should be in front of screens is discouraging. the children all use the top half of the sheet of paper as a screen and take creative license with the bottom half. there, buttons like ‘’ ‘webkinz’ ‘’ ‘itunes’ ‘iphone’ ‘HPtrivia’ ‘imediet buy’ ‘ringtone’ speak to a crowd that is well-marketed to. my favorite is the button ‘famely’

babylaptop1.jpg babylaptop2.jpg babylaptop3.jpg babylaptop4.jpg babylaptop5.jpg babylaptop7.jpg babylaptop8.jpg


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